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Vilnius University Ateitininkai Corporation

Vilnius University Ateitininkai Corporation (abbreviated korp!Iustitia) is an organization that brings together Vilnius University Faculty of Law students, alumni and professors. The corporation is based on the traditions of Justitia Corporation established on 10 November 1930 at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. korp!Iustitia operated at Vilnius University Faculty of Law in 1992 -1993 and was restored on 25 September 2013. korp!Iustitia is a structural unit of Ateitininkai Federation. On 10 September 2015, Ateitininkai Federation signed a cooperation agreement with Vilnius University and became an official partner of the University in developing intelligent, sociable and responsible personalities; strengthening the sense of community, citizenship and moral values. korp!Iustitia slogan: “Estote Prudente Sicut Serpentti” (Lat., “Be wise as serpents” Matthew 10:16).

The main objectives of korp!Iustitia are:

  • to unite students and graduates of Vilnius University Faculty of Law that share similar values into a close and unified organization
  • to seek in Lithuania to create justice and Christian values-based Lithuanian legal system
  • to develop a community with a Christian worldview, by developing the community members’ national identity, sociability, intelligence, catholicity, and domesticity
  • to help korp!Iustitia members fully prepare for the future creative professional activities

The main activities of korp!Iustitia are:

  • academic activities – seminars, conferences, camps and other meetings or events at Vilnius University and elsewhere. In VU Faculty of Law, korp!Iustitia organized “Justice Courses”, on the public transport of Vilnius – “Readings of the Constitution” on the Constitution Day, also held conferences to commemorate the 11th March and to discuss the drafts on the protection of unborn life proposed by the Seimas.
  • korp!Iustitia supports, organizes and develops the activities of Vilnius University students and members. Every year on the Constitution Day, korp!Iustitia awards one Faculty of Law student for her/his public achievements with the scholarship of Ambassador V. Dambrava.
  • korp!Iustitia proposes draft laws and other legal acts to public authorities and administrations. With the initiative of cooperation members, korp!Iustitia gives the opportunity and the challenge to contribute to the legislative process of the Republic of Lithuania.

You seek more from your life? Come and share your ideas, knowledge and initiative! If you have any ideas or suggestions, you want to join us, or maybe just want to pass by – do not hesitate and contact us.

Contact information:

Vilnius University Faculty of Law (Saulėtekio str. 9 – Building I, 10222 Vilnius), room 405.



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