Invitation to join a course on American copyright law – copyrightX

Vilnius University Faculty of Law would like to invite you to join CopyrightX. It is a 12-week course offered by Vilnius University Law Faculty and Harvard Law School about American copyright law. Students who manage to compete the course will be eligible to get a CopyrightX certificate. Lectures begin on February 1, 2022, so hurry Read more

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VU Law Professor: Migration at the Border of Belarus is Neither Legal nor Illegal

Migrants entering Lithuania from Belarus are subject to lower standards, which may also lead to disregarding the rights of other vulnerable groups by labeling them as a threat, says Aurelijus Gutauskas, professor at the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University and judge at the Supreme Court of Lithuania. In the VU podcast „Science without Sermons“, Read more

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Professors of the Criminal justice department met speaker of the Parliament

  On the 12th of January professors of the Criminal justice department Gintaras Švedas, Aurelijus Gutauskas and Jonas Prapiestis met with the Speaker of the Seimas Viktorija Čmilyte-Nielsen and the Chairman of the Seimas Committee on Legal affairs Stasys Šedbaras. During the meeting, the current situation and future tendencies criminal policy in Lithuania and the Read more

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

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Members of Law Faculty community were awarded in the festive ceremony

On the 21 of December during the festive meeting of the Vilnius University (VU) Senate the most deserving members of the VU academic community were honored.  This year the award for the best lecturer of the Faculty of Law was given to the lecturer of the Department of Public Law dr. Dovile Pūraitė-Andrikienė. „I sincerely Read more

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Prof. Vytautas Nekrošius received award for “Merits for Lithuanian judiciary”

On the 15th of December the courts commemorated Lithuanian courts day. During a hybrid event prof. Vytautas Nekrošius received first degree badge for “Merits for Lithuanian judiciary”. The award was granted by the Judicial Council. Congratulations to the professor and head of Private law department Vytautas Nekrošius! The Day of Courts in Lithuania has been Read more

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Dr. Erika Leonaitė appointed as Seimas Ombudsman

Dr. Erika Leonaitė yesterday was appointed as Seimas Ombudsman by Seimas of Republic of Lithuania. Congratuliations to the lecturer of Department of Public Law at VU Faculty of Law! This institution performs monitoring of human rights; advices to authorities on human rights issues; organizes education and information of the public on human rights, dissemination of Read more

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Distinguished guests congratulated VU Faculty of Law on its anniversary

On the 11th of October Vilnius University Faculty of Law celebrated its 380th anniversary. During the celebratory Faculty council meeting faculty community was honored by several guests, who joined the event: His Excellency President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda, Rector of Vilnius University Rimvydas Petrauskas, Chairman of the Council of Judges Sigita Rudėnaitė, Read more

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Vilnius University Faculty of Law celebrates the 380th Anniversary

Vilnius University Faculty of Law Celebrates the 380th Anniversary On October 11th.The history of the Faculty dates back to 1641, when the Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland Vladislav Vasa issued the royal privilege on the basis of which the studies of law were permitted and the Vilnius University Faculty of Law was Read more

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2024 The European Society of International Law annual conference will take place in Vilnius

The Law Faculty of Vilnius University will be glad to welcome international lawyers to Vilnius in 2024. President of the European Society of International Law Prof. Dr. Pierre d’Argent said, “VU Law Faculty’s bid to host the 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius has been accepted with enthusiasm and gratitude by the Board”. The topic of Read more

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