Main page > News > Members of Nanterre Network had an annual meeting in Vilnius

Members of Nanterre Network had an annual meeting in Vilnius

On 26-28th of June members of Nanterre Network had its annual meeting at Vilnius University. Since the Declaration of Bologna (1999), during our Annual Meetings, the delegates from from more than 40 partner universities address the issue of the adaptation of their national Higher Education system to the European standards. Coupled with a colloquium or a workshop. These meetings also devote a reflection to the great trends in the ongoing harmonization of law in EU countries.

This year the colloquium was devoted to the problems of the rule of law in Europe. On the initiative of the dean of VU Faculty of Law prof. dr. Tomas Davulis representatives of the law faculties from Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan and Georgia were also invited to the event.
