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Agnė Juškevičiūtė-Vilienė participated in the World Conference on Constitutional Law


Agnė Juškevičiūtė-Vilienė participated in the “Global Summit on Constitutionalism“ at the Texas School of Law in Austin, Texas, USA in 2023 on February. The conference was attended by Constitutional Court judges, legal scholars and practitioners from more than 40 countries.

This once-a-year global conference provides an opportunity for constitutional scholars from different countries to present their research and ideas in all areas of constitutional law, to analyse the latest publications in this field of law and the doctrines of the Constitutional Courts of different countries, and to establish useful international contacts.

At this conference, assistant professor Agnė Juškevičiūtė-Vilienė presented her ongoing postdoctoral research on the challenges of climate change to the Constitution. During her presentation, she analysed the impact of climate change on the constitutions of EU Member States and their constitutional jurisprudence, and provided an analysis of the most relevant cases. The presentation highlighted a number of climate change cases that will be heard by the Grand Chamber of the ECHR later this month, the decisions of which will have a significant impact on the constitutional law of EU Member States. Dr. R. Hirschl, a world-renowned professor of comparative constitutional law, said that this topic is and will be of particular relevance for the next 20 years.

Other topics presented at the conference included the impact of constitutional jurisprudence on constitutional law (Eastern and Central European experience), the challenges of protecting human rights (reproductive, economic, cultural, etc.), comparative constitutional studies, the impact of history on constitutional law, economic constitution and other topics.