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An international conference was held to discuss the aggression experienced by Ukraine


On February 24, marking the year of Russian aggression in Ukraine, the Faculty of Law of Vilnius University, in cooperation with Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and Newcastle University, organized the international conference “Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine: the Year Nobody Expected”.

During the conference, ambassadors, scientists and practitioners drew attention to Russia’s brutal violations of the principles of international law and human rights in Ukraine. Speakers of the conference emphasized the worrisome threat to fundamental values ​​- the rule of law and democracy.

The international conference consisted of three thematic sessions: Ukraine and international organizations, the processes of Russia’s responsibility for international law violations, and the international crimes of Russia in Ukraine evaluated from the perspective of criminal justice. Conference sessions were moderated and reports were read by VU Law Fcaulty prof. dr. Tomas Davulis and assoc. prof. dr. Indrė Isokaitė–Valužė.

During the international conference, the participants from Ukraine pointed out that they are extremely grateful to the community of the VU Law Faculty since the first days of the war waged by Russia. Vice Deans of the Faculty of International Relations of  Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, assoc. prof. Ihor Zeman and Prof. Dr. Mykhailo Mykiyevych noticed that the year-long assistance of Lithuania and other foreign countries to Ukraine is extremely significant, as it creates a priceless feeling – that Ukraine is not alone during the Russian aggression.

The representatives of Newcastle University School of Law (dr. Tanya Krupiy, dr. Elena Katseli, prof. dr. Rhona Smith) also shared very significant reports, who presented the results of the United Nations Monitoring Report on Human Rights Violations in Ukraine. Among other things, the possibilities of using solidarity measures to protect the interests of the international community were also presented. Throughout the conference, the speakers shared their concerns regarding the possibilities of improving Ukraine’s position in relation to international law.

Conference record is available on VU Law Faculty Youtube channel.