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Law Without Walls 2024 Sprint

What is the LWOW Sprint?

It is a 3-day legal hackathon where participants will learn how to apply design thinking principles to create projects of worth with the goal of solving key business law problems. Throughout the weekend, participants will hone their skills and develop a mindsets that will help them work together successfully in the future.

All participants will be divided into 16 teams to work together to identify problems, find solutions and then present their strategies to the community.

The sprint teams are interdisciplinary, multicultural and intergenerational.

Each team will be guided through the problem-solving process by some of the industry’s top leaders, innovation coaches and project managers.


On September 21st at 19:30-20:00 and on October 11th at 20:30-21:00 (UTC) will be held online consultations. Registration.

All information about the event, application and consultations is here.

Participation cost and funding

“LawWithoutWalls is a non-profit organisation and therefore there is an administrative fee for each student: 800 USD for participation in the 3-day Sprint Programme from 15-17 March 2024, including the mandatory training (Sprint preparation) programme.

The 2024 LWOW will take place in Madrid, Spain, and will be hosted by the IE University School of Law at the IE Tower in the heart of Madrid’s financial district. The administrative fee of USD 800 is covered by VU Faculty of Law. It does not include the cost of travel to and from Madrid (Spain) and accommodation during the sprint.
